Garden detailing

26 April 2019

This type of garden detailing is very satisfying. Our clients wished to personalise their garden by incorporating a bespoke design within the brick entrance pad to the front door. It not only offers a personalised touch but will afford a completely unique point in the garden. The property is certainly quite unique in nature, almost quirky, with plenty of different building materials making up various additions to the original late medieval farmhouse. 

Courtyard Garden 

We are currently landscaping the courtyard style garden at the entrance to the property. Visitors approach the beautiful timber front door via a brick and flint path. Our design opens up the entrance threshold providing a greater circulation space, whereas before this space had been quite cramped and unattractive. A limited plant and colour palette will help to enhance the flow and aesthetic of the design.

Entrance Design

We choose a geometric pattern that sits in a symmetrical way against one another. Warm red creasing tiles laid on edge are inset within a bed of knapped flint. This tile colour compliments the surrounding clay pavers. The colour tones and materials selected tie in with those on the house. The design provides a simple yet strong statement as a first impression approaching the property. The construction is well underway as the images demonstrate. The garden detailing is bringing this project alive and we are delighted with the progress so far.

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